Anar Baghirov, Ph.D.
Anar Baghirov was born in Ganja city in 1976.
LL.B. from Baku State University (1997); LL.M. (Civil Law cum laude) from Baku State University (1999); PhD from Institute of Political-Legal Research under National Academy of Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2006); The doctoral candidate at the Institute of Human Rights under National Academy of Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan (since 2014).
During 1997-2005, after graduating from Baku State University worked as a legal practitioner in several organizations and agencies. Has become a member of the Bar Association since 2005. Has been elected as a member of the Presidium of the Azerbaijani Bar Association since 2012. Has been elected as a Chairman of the Azerbaijani Bar Association since 2017. Practices as an arbiter at several national and foreign arbitration courts. Since March of 2018 has been a board member of the Union of Bar Associations Turkaphon and Neighbouring Countries. Since 2019, he has been a member of the Judicial-Legal Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He has been a lecturer at the Law Faculty of Baku State University. Since 2021, A.Baghirov has been a member of the Dissertation Council No. 2.45 ED, which operates at the National Aviation Academy.
On 19 May 2015, by decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he was awarded the "Tereggi" (Progress) medal. According to the decision of the Judicial-Legal Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 28, 2019, he was awarded the "Honorary badge" of the Judicial-Legal Council. He was awarded the "Honorary diploma" by the Presidium (Board) of the Azerbaijani Bar Association and was also awarded the title of "Honorary Doctor of Law". He was awarded the "Honorary Diploma" for his active participation in educational events of the Union of Associations of Judges of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He was awarded with the "Honorary Diploma" of the Russian Lawyers' Guild. He was awarded the "Honorary Diploma" (Honorary Lawyer of Russian Federation) from the Federal Chamber of Russian Lawyers. By order of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 26, 2018, he was awarded the Jubilee Medal "100th anniversary of the Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan (1918-2018)". By the order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 20, 2018, he was awarded the Jubilee Medal "100th anniversary of the Justice of Azerbaijan (1918-2018)". By order of the Head of the State Security Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated March 07, 2019, he was awarded the Jubilee Medal "100th anniversary of the State Security and Foreign Intelligence Agencies of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1919-2019)". By order of the Chief of the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated August 14, 2019, he was awarded the Jubilee Medal "100th anniversary of the Border Guard of Azerbaijan (1919-2019)". According to the decision of the Ukrainian National Bar Association, dated September 17, 2019, he was awarded the "Honorary Badge" of the Ukrainian National Bar Association. By the decision of the Presidium (Board) of the Azerbaijani Bar Association dated September 24, 2019, he was awarded the Jubilee badge "100th anniversary of the Azerbaijani Bar Association (1919-2019)". By order of the President of the Russian Lawyers' Guild dated October 13, 2021, he was awarded the badge of Distinction “for contribution to the development of the profession of lawyer (advocacy)”. By order of the Minister of Defense Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 02, 2022, he was awarded the Jubilee Medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan "15th anniversary of the Ministry of Defense Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2005-2020)". By the decision of the Lawyers' Council of the Kyrgyz Republic, dated June 02, 2023, he was awarded the "Friendship" medal. By order of the Head of the State Agency for the Protection of Strategic Objects of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated August 23, 2023, he was awarded the Jubilee Medal "30th anniversary of the strategic objects protection bodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1993-2023)". By order of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated September 30, 2023, he was awarded the "Medal for fruitful cooperation with the prosecution authorities". On October 5-7, 2023, within the framework of the VII International Forum of Lawyers in Kazakhstan, he was awarded a "Special medal for outstanding contribution to the development of the profession of lawyer (advocacy) in Kazakhstan". By the decision of the Mediation Council dated December 15, 2023, he was awarded the "Honorary Mediator" diploma.
Aydin Akhundov
1979 Baku State University-Faculty of Law
Labor activity
In 1981, he was admitted to the Bar Association and currently practices as a lawyer. He is the Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of Bar Association since 2004.
He is the Honorary Doctor of Law and Honorary Lawyer of Azerbaijani Bar Association.
Parviz Alakbarov
1995 Baku State University-Faculty of Law
Labor activity
In 1997, he was admitted to the Bar Association and currently practices as a lawyer. He is the Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of Bar Association since 2017.
He is the Honorary Doctor of Law of Azerbaijani Bar Association.
Azar Guliyev
11 Z.Qambarov str, Baku
Law Office:
Law Office №11
Language skills: Russian
Experience as a lawyer: 18 years
Dilara Afrasiyabova
24 Mirali Gashgay str, Baku
Law Office:
Law Office №14
Language skills: Russian
Experience as a lawyer: 44 years
Elchin Usub
Z.Fataliyev street, house 9, Baku city.
No e-mail
Law Office:
Law Office №4
Language skills: English, Russian, German
Experience as a lawyer: 32 years
1988-1993 Bakı Dövlər Universitetinin hüquq fakültəsi
1997-1999 Ruhr Universitetin hüquq magistri (LL.M.) Almaniya Federativ Respublikası, Bochum şəhəri
2013-2014 Taras Şevçenko adına Kiyev Dövlət Universitetinin hüquq fakültəsinin Mülki hüquq kafedrasının dissertantı, 2014-cü ildən hüquq elmləri namizədi2020-ci ildən Mediasiya Şurasının Müşahidə şurasının üzvü
2020-ci ilin iyun ayından “İdmançı Vəkillər” fondunun İdarə heyətinin sədri
Fariz Mammadov
49 Fuzuli str, Baku
Law Office:
Law Office №12
Language skills: English, Russian, French
Experience as a lawyer: 18 years
Ilhama Hasanova
57A Zarifa Aliyeva Ave, Baku
Law Office:
Individual lawyer
Language skills: Russian, Turkish
Experience as a lawyer: 20 years
Lala Naghiyeva
6 Bakikhanov str, Baku (Bridge Plaza, 5th floor)
Law Office:
Law Office №12
Language skills: English, Russian
Experience as a lawyer: 13 years
Mukhtar Mustafayev
309 S.Vurghun street, Baku (World Business Centre)
Law Office:
Adalat Law Office
Language skills: Russian, Turkish
Experience as a lawyer: 20 years
Ramiz Ibrahimov
48A B.Majidov str, Baku
Law Office:
Law Office №4
Language skills: Russian
Experience as a lawyer: 26 years
Sevinj Alizadeh
48A B.Majidov str, Yasamal district, Baku
No e-mail
Law Office:
Law Office №4
Language skills: No language skills
Experience as a lawyer: 6 years
Vugar Babayev
Bakı şəhəri Nəsimi rayonu, Səməd Vurğun küçəsi 83, World Business Centre, 11-mərtəbə
Law Office:
Individual lawyer
Language skills: English, Russian, Turkish
Experience as a lawyer: 16 years