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The delegation of the Azerbaijani Bar Association had an official visit to Serbia

02 March 2023    539 share share

On February 24-26, 2023, the Chairman of the Azerbaijani Bar Association (ABA), Mr. Anar Bagirov and the Head of the Administrative Office, Mr. Bayram Orujov, participated in solemn events dedicated to the Legal Profession Day in Serbia at the invitation of the Bar Association of Serbia (BAS).

The event was attended by the President of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), Mr. Panagiotis Perakis, Secretary General of the International Association of Lawyers (Union Internationale de Avocats - UIA) (also elected president for the next term), Ms. Jacqueline Scott, Presidents of Bar Associations and legal societies from around the world, as well as government officials and civil society representatives.

At the beginning of the visit, the ABA delegation visited the monument of national leader Heydar Aliyev in Belgrade, laid flowers at his monument and honoured his memory.

Within the framework of the event, the BAS first organised an official reception for the guests.

The following day, at the official event organised by the BAS at the  National Theater of Belgrade, a documentary film about the history of the profession of lawyer in Serbia was demonstrated.

Afterwards, the President of the BAS, the President of the CCBE, the Secretary General of the UIA, the Chairman of the ABA, state officials and other guests performed on the importance of effective cooperation and the role of international practice in reforming the field of advocacy.

During the visit, it was noted that the work done in the field of advocacy in Azerbaijan in recent years was highly appreciated at the meeting with the Chairman of the Eastern Bars Committee of the Federation of the European Bars Federation / Fédération des Barreaux d’Europe (FBE), Mr. Rajko Maric, and preliminary approvals were reached on the implementation of various joint projects.

In addition, to further strengthen the cooperation established over the past period, bilateral meetings were held with the CCBE, UIA and BAS delegations and with the Presidents of other Bar Associations to exchange experience and discussions on the prospects for further partnership.

Belqradın Taşmaydan parkında ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin abidəsi.

CCBE-nin prezidenti Panagiotis Perakis.

CCBE-nin vitse-prezidenti Roman Zavrsek.

FBE-nin nümayəndə heyəti.

SVK-nın sədri Jasmina Milutinovich.

UIA-nın baş katibi (eyni zamanda, növbəti dövr üçün seçilmiş prezidenti) Jacqueline Scott.

Tədbirin rəsmi hissəsi - ARVK sədri Anar Bağırovun çıxışı.